Landesgartenschau Höxter 2023

First semester students of the ‘MID Computational Design’ are about to realize an EXPERIMENTAL Pavilion for the University of Applied Science and Art Ostwestfalen-Lippe (TH OWL) at the Landesgartenschau in Höxter in 2023. The Landesgartenschau in Höxter is going to open on April 20th. The project is a cooperation of the Landscape Architects in Höxter and the Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture, specifically the international and interdisciplinary MID program.

The cooperation has been initiated by Prof. Hans-Peter Rohler (FB9) and Prof. Hans Sachs (FB1) already during the pandemic by the end of 2020. The project is kindly supported by two local firms, the Formatio GmbH (Lemgo) and the Goldbeck GmbH (Bielefeld), the TH OWL and the city of Höxter and the Landesgartenschau itself. Special thanks go out here to the FB3 (Faculty of Civil Engineering) and FB7 (Faculty of Production- and Wood Techniques) of the TH OWL for the technical support (material/structure). A big thank you already here to all the individual and institutional supporters.


Several design COMPETITIONS and studies have been developed since then in COOPERATION by students of Höxter and Detmold. In an official competition a jury including representatives of the city of Höxter, architects and planners of the Landesgartenschau Höxter and representatives of the TH OWL have selected the student group of Leandra Simon, Inga Wißling, Andres Buitrago und Ardalan Mirhadinejadfard as first price winners. The proposal included a conceptual proposal for a pavilion structure grown of MYCELIUM (brick-) elements. The proposal has been further developed by realizing 1:1 prototypes on the Detmold Architecture Campus by Ardalan Mirhadinejadfard in his Master thesis project in 2022.


  • Projektleitung (Pavillon/Landscape): Prof. Hans Sachs (Fachbereich Architektur und Innenarchitektur) / Prof. Hans-Peter Rohler (Fachbereich Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung)
  • Co-Leitung: i.V. Andrea Kondziela (Fachbereich Architektur und Innenarchitektur) / Prof. Camilo Cifuentes (La Salle, COL) / Dipl.-Ing. Ute Aland / Jörg von der Reidt (beide Fachbereich Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung)
  • Koordination Pavillon – Fachbereich Architektur und Innenarchitektur-MID: Isabella Previti, Johannes Homann
  • Koordination Landscape – Fachbereich Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung):  Leandra Simon, Inga Wißling
  • Konzept Pavillon – Competition 2021 (MID.S8): Leandra Simon / Inga Wißling (beide Fachbereich Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung) und Andres Buitrago / Ardalan Mirhadinejadfard (beide Fachbereich Architektur und Innenarchitektur)
  • Studierende Pavillon Fachbereich Architektur und Innenarchitektur: Abdelhady, Omar / Acar, Kiymet / Aykin, Yusuf / elkassar, Salah / Hamdy, Mostafa / Molaei-Maqsoudbeki, Marzie / Nafez, Maryam / Parejo, Elizabeth / Ripploh, Maja / Rodriguez Altamirano, Edgardo / Taslibeyaz, Israfil / Thomas, Shinu / Türedi, Özge / Zahra Mohebbi (S8)
  • Studierende Landschaft Realisierung Fachbereich Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung: Angela Braches / Bianca Kropp / Oskar Weber / Daniel Bolinth / Julia Rubart / Niels Finke / Lisa Slawinjak / Lara Elsner / Andreas Reinhold / Marvin Kagerer / Samantha Gläser-Sonco
  • Partner: Formatio GmbH, Goldbeck GmbH, Stadt Höxter, Landesgartenschau Höxter, Stauden Junge, TH OWL
  • Dank an: Prof. Jens-Uwe Schulz, Thomaz Vieira, Gizem Demirhan, Markus Opitz, Markus Dubbert (alle Fachbereich Detmolder Schule für Architektur und Innenarchitektur) / Prof. Ralf Steffen (Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung) / Prof. Nikolai Gerzen, Claus Rudolf Deis, Damian Löcke, Niklas Huppa (alle Bauingenieurwesen) / Prof. Martin Stosch, Sebastian Plate, Lena Reinhardt, Martin Hackel (alle Produktions- und Holztechnik) / Prof.’in Dr. Miriam Pein-Hackelbusch (Life Science Technologies), Victor Sardenberg


From September 2022 the FIRST semester students of the MID specialization ‘Computational Design’ are intensively working on the realization of the pavilion in several workshops realizing studies and material tests with GROWING mycelium (from various prepared substrates) to the development and realization of 1:1 details, models and prototypes of a Mycelium-Wood composite structure for the TH OWL Pavilion and as a further feature: for outdoor furniture made of mycelium and the leftover materials of the wooden parts. We have to emphasize on the enormous challenges the student group has faced during the development acquiring professional support, materials and infrastructure.

During the development process the initial concept of a mycelium-brick based structure has been transformed into a comprehensive minimal surface inspired structural vault system to reduce and equally distribute forces. The around 80 elements of the pavilion are made of engineered and (generatively) digitally manufactured triangular boxes which consist of douglas in combination with mycelium as innovative, ‘GROWING TOGETHER’, composite building elements. The elements are designed to be individually adaptable in form and its connection to be part of a generated vault structure.

The highlight – besides the digital fabrication of this structural EXPERIMENT – are the ‘GROWING PROCESSES’ of the building. In a first pre-fabrication phase the elements pre-grow ‘in-factory’ until the elements have a certain degree of stability and solidity. Then, brought on site, the elements get connected (by the further integrated mycelium substrate) by simply ‘GROWING’ together on site. The pavilion will be subject to various studies during the Landesgartenschau in 2023. Before the disassembly in autumn 2023 the structural stability will be tested on the structural framework ONLY CONSISTING of Mycelium connections. During the Landesgartenschau, innovative wood and steel connections need to guarranty the safety and stability of the structure.

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