Meet the team behind MID at TH OWL \\ Learn more about the experts, educators, and innovators driving the Master of Integrated Design program \\ Explore their backgrounds, areas of expertise, and contributions to design and technology.
Meet the team behind MID at TH OWL \\ Learn more about the experts, educators, and innovators driving the Master of Integrated Design program \\ Explore their backgrounds, areas of expertise, and contributions to design and technology.
Master of Integrated Design
Technische Hochschule
Contact (German)
Julia George
Room 2.106
Phone +49 (0) 5231 / 769-6052
Contact (English)
Maryse Niemeier
Room 4.109
Phone +49 (0) 5231 / 769-6091
Computer Aided Architectural Design
Technische Hochschule
Contact (German/English)
Prof. Hans Sachs
Room 4.014
Phone +49 (0) 5231 / 769-6430